Social Promotion|季刊 日本で最も美しい村(with English Transration)
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.42 江差町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.42 "Esashi-cho" / Tabloid newspaper
Interview & Writing:Mikiko Tamaki, English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi, Cover illustration:Tamae Mizukami
函館空港から国道227号線を西へ。緑のトンネルのなか、 時間ほど車を走らせると、波しぶきをあげる日本海が見えてきた。 かもめじま海沿いの道をしばし進めば、町のシンボル・鴎島はすぐそこ。栄華を極めた北前船交易の記憶は、今もこの町の暮らしに溶け込み、たしかに受け継がれている。
Heading west on Route 227 from Hakodate Airport, the Sea of Japan with its spraying waves comes into view after an hour's drive through a green tunnel. A short drive along the seaside road brings us to the town's symbol, Kamome-jima (Seagull Island). Memories of the prosperous Kitamae-bune trade are still part of the town's daily life and have been passed down from generation to generation.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.41 「世界で最も美しい村」国際連合会総会レポート
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.41 "Reportage on the International Assembly of the Federation of the Most beautiful Villages of the World" / Tabloid newspaper
Interview & Writing:Ryunosuke Takatsu, English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi, Cover illustration:Tamae Mizukami
年間の空白を経てイタリアで開催された「世界で最も美しい村」国際連合会総会。コロナウイルスの登場は、リモートワークやオンライン会議など現代社会に新しい生活様式をもたらした。それでも直接顔を合わせてコミュニケーションを取ることは、人類にとって普遍的な価値があるのではないか?それぞれ文化や言語は違っても、同じテーブルを囲んで食事をすれば私たちは分かり合える。そんな想いを抱く特別な 日間は、あっという間に過ぎ去った。
After a gap of three years, the International Assembly of the Federation of the Most Beautiful Villages of the World was held in Italy. The development of COVID-19 has brought a new way of life to modern society, including remote work and online meetings. Still, isn't face-to-face communication invaluable to humankind? Even though we may have different cultures and languages, we can understand each other when we sit around the same table and have a meal together.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.40 小坂町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.40 "Kosaka Town" / Tabloid newspaper
Interview & Writing:Mikiko Tamaki, Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura, English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi, Cover illustration:Tamae Mizukami
盛岡から東北縦貫自動車道で1時間と少し。小坂インターチェンジを降りればもう、町の中心地はすぐそこ。そう、ここは「奥山の秘境」などではなく、気軽に立ち寄ることのできる〝 美しい村 〞。日本一の鉱山として栄え、今は製錬と農業、観光の町としてにぎわう、人口約4800人の町。アカシアの若葉が揺れる明治百年通りに佇めば、古きを守り、新しきを受け入れるこの町を表すような、やわらかな風が出迎えてくれた。
It takes a little over an hour from Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture on the Tohoku Jukan Expressway. Once you get off at the Kosaka Interchange, the center of the town is just around the corner. Kosaka Town is not something like a "secluded mountainous region" but a "beautiful village" where you can casually stop by. The town, with a population of about 4,800, flourished as Japan's largest mining town and is now bustling with the industries such as refining, agriculture, and tourism. Standing on the "Meiji Hyakunen Street" (Meiji 100 year-street) where young leaves of acacia sway, you will find yourself being greeted by the soft breeze which represents the town's characteristic that preserves the old and embraces the new. A soft wind, which represents a town that preserves the old and embreces the new, greeted me upon arrival.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.39 「日本で最も美しい村」連合です
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.39 "We are The Most Beautiful Villages in Japan" / Tabloid newspaper
Edit:EXAPIECO, English Translation:Chika Nakanishi
NPO法人「日本で最も美しい村」連合は、フランスの「最も美しい村運動」をモデルとして、2005年 月に7つの自治体が集まって発足しました。当時は、いわゆる平成の大合併の真っ只中にあり、市町村合併が促進され小さくても素晴らしい地域資源や美しい景観を持つ村の存続が難しい時期にありました。このような状況下、「日本で最も美しい村」連合は、新たな「地域の星」を目指して運動を開始したのです。
The NPO "The Most Beautiful Villages in Japan" Union is modeled after "The Most Beautiful Villages" in France and was formed with seven local governments in October 2005. At that time, in the middle of the so-called Great Merger of the Heisei Era, it was a time when the merger of cities, towns and villages was accelerated and difficult for a village with small but excellent regional resources and beautiful landscapes to survive. Under the circumstances, "the Most Beautiful Villages in Japan" has launched a movement aiming for a new "regional star".
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.38 上勝町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.38 "Kamikatsu-cho" / Tabloid newspaper / Published December 2021
Interview & Writing:Mikiko Tamaki, Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura, English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi, Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
徳島県のほぼ中央に位置し、人口は約1500人の四国でもっとも小さな町。約9割が山林で覆われた水源の町であり、あえて目指さなければたどり着くことのない場所だ。しかし、きっとあなたもどこかで、上勝町の名を目に耳にしたことがあるはず。〝葉っぱビジネス〞の町、そして日本初のゼロ・ウェイスト宣言で世界が注目する町。 そこにはいつも、考え、選択し、行動する町民たちの姿がある。
Located in the center of Tokushima Prefecture, Kamikatsu-cho is the smallest town in Shikoku, one of Japan’s main island, with a population of about 1,500 people.A town of water sources, about 90% of Kamikatsu-cho is covered with mountains and forests, and is a place you would never reach unless you had a reason to be there. However, many must have heard the name of Kamikatsu-cho at some point in their lives. It is known as the town that leads “happa (leaf) business,” a business that sells leaves, and as the first town in Japan to declare zero-waste, which attracted attention from around the world. The Kamikatsu-chos people always think, choose, and take actions for the future of their community.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.37 伊根町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.37 "Ine-cho" / Tabloid newspaper / Published September 2021
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Mikiko Tamaki Photograph:Kenta Sasaki English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
Ine-cho, a town with a population of about 2000, is located at the tip of the Tango Peninsula in northern Kyoto. The landscape that represents this town is the beautiful rows of “boathouses” that originated in the Edo period (between 1603 and 1867 in Japan). In 2005, the town was nationally selected as an Important Preservation District of Historic Buildings. Normally, hundreds of thousands of people from Japan and abroad visit the area every year to enjoy the scenery full of travel sentiment. Now, the town is a little quieter than usual. I would like to take this opportunity to interview the people living with the sea and mountains of Ine-cho.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.36 馬瀬
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.36 "Maze" / Tabloid newspaper / Published June 2021
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Mikiko Tamaki Photograph:Kenta Sasaki English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
Maze district of Gero City is located almost in the center of Gifu Prefecture. Maze is located upstream from the dam. A beautiful stream of the Maze River where young sweetfish swim and spiritually fulfilling life of coexisting with nature have been preserved by local people to this day.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.35 早川町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.35 "Hayakawa-cho" / Tabloid newspaper / Published February 2021
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Mikiko Tamaki Photograph:Kenta Sasaki English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
I got off at an interchange of Chubu Odan Expressway and drove west as if to jump into the heart of mountains. The scenery of Mt. Fuji came distant as I drove a narrow road with numerous curves and steep slopes. It is almost like a ritual for us travelers to feel a certain uneasiness and much expectation as we approach our destinations. That must be one of the reasons why I was especially impressed to see beautiful villages and meet wonderful people after a long green tunnel in the mountain. It is indeed a special place.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.34 南木曽町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.34 "Nagisomachi" / Tabloid newspaper / Published December 2020
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Mikiko Tamaki Photograph:Kenta Sasaki English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
人口約4017人( 月 日現在)、長く広い木曽谷の南端に位置する南木曽町。総面積の9割以上が森林に覆われ、「すべて山の中」との印象が強い木曽だが、訪ねてみれば決してひとくちにはくくれないほど、集落ごとに豊かな文化や暮らしが息づく場所だと気づく。モータリゼーションが進展した現代にあってなお、「歩く」ことを目的に世界中から多くの人が訪れる、この町。今こそ古の人に習い、速度を緩めてゆっくりと歩きながら、この町の魅力のさらに奥へと分け入ってみたい。
Nagisomachi is a town located at the southern end of the long and wide Kisodani, with a population of around 4,017. More than 90% of the total area is covered with forests and the Kiso area has a strong impression that "everything is in the mountains", but when visiting, it becomes clear that each settlement has rich culture and life beyond words. Even in the present age when motorization has progressed, many people visit this town from all over the world for the purpose of "walking".
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.33 中川村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.33 "Nakagawa-mura" / Tabloid newspaper / Published September 2020
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Mikiko Tamaki Photograph:Kenta Sasaki English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
It's south of Nagano Prefecture. Nakagawa-mura is a village with a population of 4,800 in the valley. Even though it is a valley, this is Inadani Valley as called the largest valley in Japan. The scenery spread out and the wind is gentle and comfortable. The first-class river, the Tenryu River, runs through the center of the village, meandering between two lofty Alps. Protected by the terrain like deep-pocketed cultivated by the uplifted mountains and the gentle meandering river, people's lives go on gently and the hours move on.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.32 世界の最も美しい村の仲間たち
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.32 "Soni mura" / Tabloid newspaper / Published June 2020
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Ryunosuke Takatsu illustration:Mika Nakanishi English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
The "Most Beautiful Villages" are not just a movement for tourism promotion. Certainly, interacting with visitors from outside will be a great opportunity to reaffirm the abundant charm of the village. However, tourism promotion is only a means and not an objective. The purpose of this movement is to regain the pride of the region and to activate the region and encourage independence. This means that beauty" as a shared property of the region is important, not "beauty" as a product.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.31 中之条町 伊参/六合
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.31 "Nakanojo-machi, Isama and Kuni" / Tabloid newspaper / Published February 2020
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
群馬県北西部に位置し、北は新潟県、西は長野県に隣接し、県内4番目の面積を誇る中之条町。「日本で最も美しい村」連合に加盟するのは、伊参(いさま)と六合(くに)、二つの地域。 し ま さわたり しりやき町内には、四万、沢渡、尻焼など9つの温泉が湧き出で、古来より、源頼朝、木曽義仲などの武将や多くの文人墨客が疲れを癒してきた。
It is a prefectural border town located in the northwestern part of Gunma Prefecture and adjacent to Niigata and Nagano Prefecture. From Tokyo, it is about 2.5 hours drive to see the beauties of nature abundant with hot spring resources. Nine hot springs, such as Shima, Sawatari and Shiriyaki, gushes out in the town, and since ancient times, military commanders such as Yoritomo Minamoto and Yoshinaka Kiso and many writers and artists have relieved their fatigue.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.30 椎葉村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.30 "Shiiba village" / Tabloid newspaper / Published December 2019
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Atsumi Nakazato Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
宮崎県の最西北端、九州山地のちょうど真ん中に位置する椎葉村。東京都の 分の に匹敵するという広大な面積の %が山林で、人々は急峻な斜面にわずかな平地を切り開き、暮らしの中で独自の知恵や技を築いてきた。神々が人々の心に息づくこの村には、古くから伝わる慣習や伝統文化が今も色濃く残っている。
Shiiba village is located in the very center of the mountainous area at the north- westernmost tip of Miyazaki prefecture in the Kyushu region. Although the village is as vast as the size of 1/4 of Tokyo, 96 percent of the land is mountain forest. The villagers have cleared small areas on steep slopes of the mountain and had cultivated and nurtured unique wisdom and skills to live. In this village where gods live in the souls of the villagers, the ancient old practices and traditional culture are still evident.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.29 十津川村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.29 "Totsukawa-mura" / Tabloid newspaper / Published September 2019
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
西は和歌山県、東は三重県に接し、奈良県の最南端、紀伊半島の中央に位置する十津川村。その面積は東京 区よりも広く、琵琶湖とほぼ同じ大きさを有する「日本で最も大きな村」でもある。迫りくる山々、急峻な地形。過酷な自然との共存から生まれた「十津川魂」が宿る村。日本一長い路線バスに乗って、ゆるり十津川をめぐる旅へ。
Totsukawa-mura is located in the southernmost point of Nara Prefecture and the center of the Kii Peninsula, adjacent to Wakayama Prefecture in the west and Mie Prefecture in the east. It is approached by the mountains and the topography is steep. A village where “the Totsukawa spirit” was born from coexistence with harsh nature lives. Let's go on a trip going around Totsukawa leisurely taking the longest route bus in Japan.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.28 吉野町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.28 "Yoshino-cho" / Tabloid newspaper / Published June 2019
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura & Akimi Goto English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
It's located near the center of Nara Prefecture and clear stream Yoshinogawa River, flows cross the town from the east to the west. Yoshino lumber which symbolizes "wood town Yoshino," was once transported by raft down the river. In spring, 30,000 cherry trees dye Mt. Yoshino with faint pink color and the whole town liven up. A town where the "the tradition" that has appeared in the Kojiki (The Records of Ancient Matters) and the Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan) and has shaped Japanese history still takes root in people's lives. Let's go to the elegant old capital.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.27 フランスの最も美しい村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.27 "The Most Beautiful Villages of France" / Tabloid newspaper / Published March 2019
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Ryunosuke Takatsu Photograph:EXAPIECO English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
1982年にフランスのコロンジュ・ラ・ルージュという小さな村のシェルル・セイラック村長の呼びかけによって生まれた、「最も美しい村」運動。現在は168の村が「フランスの最も美しい村」協会に加盟し、その景観はフランス国内のみならず世界中の人々に賞賛されている。またその運動は、日本を含む世界 カ国へと広がり、現在800以上の美しい村々の取り組みにまで拡大している。
Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (The Most Beautiful Villages of France) is the movement started in 1982 by Charles Ceyrac, mayor of a small village called Collonges-la-Rouge. Currently 168 villages participate in the association of Les Plus Beaux Villages de France. The landscapes of those villages are all admired by the people in France, and also all around the world. The movement now spreads in nine countries including Japan, and expands into more than 800 beautiful villages.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.26 小川村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.26 "Ogawa-mura" / Tabloid newspaper / Published December 2018
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
Ogawa-mura, Shinshu region, the center of the main island of Japan, which is also called "navel". This village with a population of about 2,600 located in the northern part of Nagano prefecture, and between Nagano city and Hakuba city is also known as 'Oyaki-no-sato'. The local food of Shinshu region (Nagano prefecture),Oyaki, which is a baked flour bun filled with eggplants, Nozawana greens, and others is also "a main actor" that greatly contributes to revitalization of the village, women's work opportunity and entrepreneurship.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.25 塚原
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.25 "Tsukahara" / Tabloid newspaper / Published September 2018
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
Yufuin-cho, Yufu, Oita, is known for hot spring town. The Tsukahara district which spreads to the north side of Mt.Yufu, which is located at the border with Beppu City, is located in a highland area of 600m above sea level. Tsukahara Kogen is the land with various legends from the ancient times, such as "Tsukumozuka Legend" and "Tametomo Legend" made by demons, and a monument at Sacred Kirishima Shrine is inscribed that the village had already existed in the 4th century.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.24 小値賀町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.24 "Ojika-cho" / Tabloid newspaper / Published June 2018
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myokoo
長崎県五島列島の北端に浮かぶ人口2500人ほどの小値賀町。なだらかな地形と遠浅の海が広がる小値賀島を中心に、今や無人となった野崎島など大小 の島からなり、島全体が西海国立公園に指定されている。江戸時代、キリスト教が禁止され、厳しい弾圧の時代を生き抜いた潜伏キリシタンにまつわる歴史や遺産ももつ。密かに信仰が続いた野崎島の集落跡が、世界遺産「長崎と天草地方の潜伏キリシタン関連遺産」に認定された。
It is Ojika-cho, a population of 2,500 people floating on the northern tip of Goto Islands in Nagasaki prefecture. It consists of 17 large and small islands including Nozaki Island which became uninhabited now, around Ojikajima where gentle terrain and sea with shoals spread, the entire island is designated as Saikai National Park. The site of Nozakijima village where Christianity banned during the Edo era had been continued in secret has just been registered as a World Heritage " Crypto- Christians related heritage in Nagasaki and Amakusa region ".
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.23 鶴居村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.23 "Tsurui-mura" / Tabloid newspaper / Published March 2018
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
北海道の道東、釧路空港からクルマで約 キロ。阿寒湖と広大な釧路湿原の間に広がる阿寒郡鶴居村。人口2500人ほどの小さな村に、基幹産業である酪農の牧歌的な景観が広がり、村の名前の通り、特別天然記念物タンチョウが人々と共生する。冬のシーズンになると国内はもとより、海外からもカメラを手にした多くのタンチョウ愛好家たちが訪れる。7月5日~7日には「日本で最も美しい村」連合総会・フェスティバル2018 in つるい」が開催される。
It’s located in the eastern Hokkaido and about 40km by car from Kushiro Airport. There is Tsurui-mura between Lake Akan and the vast Kushiro Marsh. A pastoral scenery of dairy farming as the key industry spreads in a small village with about 2,500 population and the tancho cranes of special national treasure coexist with people as the village's name suggests. During the winter season, many tancho cranes lovers with a camera in hand come from home and overseas.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.22 高山村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.22 "Takayama-mura" / Tabloid newspaper / Published December 2017
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
長野県北東部に位置し、長野市から東に約 キロ、長野県小布施町や群馬県嬬恋村にも隣接する人口7000人ほどの美しい村。標高が高く、年間降水量が1000ミリと少ない、日照時間が長いなどの気象条件から、りんごやぶどうなど果樹を中心とした栽培が行われてきた。近年では、高山村産のワイン用ブドウから醸造されたワインを軸にした観光振興への機運も高まっている。
Located at the northeast part of Nagano Prefecture, 20 kilometers eastward from Nagano City, Takayama-mura is a beautiful village of about 7,000 people. The village lies next to the town of Obuse as well as the village of Tsumagoi in Gunma Prefecture. It has a long history of apple and grape growing because of the climate condition of high altitude, low precipitation amounting only to 1,000 millimeters annually, and long daylight hours. In recent years, tourism promotion using the wines brewed with the wine grapes produced in Takayama-mura is on the rise.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.21 大蔵村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.21 "Ohkura-mura" / Tabloid newspaper / Published September 2017
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura & Akimi Goto English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
Ohkura-mura is a beautiful village located on the Mogami District in the northern part of Yamagata prefecture, having population of 3,400. The southern part of the village is located at the foot of Mt.Gassan which is main mountain of the Dewa Sanzan mountains, as if it is protected by deep mountains. Hijiori onsen has more than 1200 years history has been crowded as the onsen resort since ancient age and thrived as a starting point for climbing to Mt.Gassan. I feel like I'm in a nostalgic era by the view of people wearing Yukata (Japanese bathrobe) and Geta shoes in the hot springs town which quaint inns stands side by side.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.20 赤井川村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.20 "Akaigawa-mura" / Tabloid newspaper / Published June 2017
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura & Akimi Goto English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
北海道の南西部に位置し、人口1200人ほどの「日本で最も美しい村」赤井川村。札幌からは小樽を経由してクルマで 分ほど。ここは、遠い昔、火山の噴火によって生まれた「カルデラの里」で、人々はこの巨大なカルデラ盆地の中に暮らす。村へは小樽、余市、仁木、倶知安の 方面から入ることができ、村への入り口では、「日本で最も美しい村」連合の大きな看板が出迎えてくれる。
It’s a small village located on the southwestern part of Hokkaido and has population of 1,200 people. It takes approx 90minutes by car from Sapporo via Otaru. This is "caldera no sato (the village of the caldera)" born in the eruption of the volcano a long time ago and villagers live inside the huge caldera basin.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.19 高森町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.19 "Takamori-machi" / Tabloid newspaper / Published March 2017
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura & Akimi Goto English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
九州の中央、熊本県の北東部に位置する阿蘇・高森町。東部は大分県、南部は宮崎県に接している。阿蘇の雄大な景観を作っているのが、世界一のカルデラと言われる外輪山と、カルデラの中にある阿蘇五岳と呼ばれる火山たち。熊本空港からクルマで約 分。神々しいほどの阿蘇に近づいてくると、活火山ならではの、地中から湧き上がってくるようなエネルギーと大地の鼓動が感じられてくる。
Takamori-machi is located on the northeastern part of Kumamoto prefecture, in the center of Kyushu. It’s bordered on the east by Oita prefecture and on the south by Miyazaki prefecture. Gairinzan, which is said to be the best caldera in the world, and volcanoes called Aso Gogaku inside of the caldera create the magnificent landscape of Aso.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.18 曽爾村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.18 "Soni mura" / Tabloid newspaper / Published December 2016
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura & Akimi Goto English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
奈良県の東北端に位置し、三重県境に隣接する曽爾村。漆塗り発祥の地であり、神話や伝説など数々の物語が残る、歴史とロマンあふれる郷だ。村に一歩、足を踏み入れると、岩肌あらわな鎧岳、兜岳、断崖になった岩が屏風状に続く屏風岩など迫力ある自然景観が見る者を圧倒する。11月上旬になると、曽爾高原の一面のススキが見ごろを迎える。東京から電車とクルマを乗り継いで約 時間。大阪からは約 時間 分、奈良からは約 時間程度と京阪神からは日帰りで楽しめる。
Located on the northeast edge of Nara Prefecture, Soni Village adjoins Mie Prefecture. It is where the tradition of urushi lacquer was born and is where countless mythologies and legends are handed down. Soni Village is full of romantic history. One step into the village we see the spectacle of natural scenery such as bare rocks of Mt. Yoroi and Mt. Kabuto as well as the sheer cliff of Byobu-iwa rock. In early November, Japanese pampas grass is at their best, spreading across Soni Kogen Highlands.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.17 松崎町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.17 "Matsuzaki Town" / Tabloid newspaper / Published September 2016
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura & Akimi Goto English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
静岡県伊豆半島の南西部、海岸沿いに位置する風光明媚な町、松崎町。海水浴場や釣りが楽しめる漁港へは民宿からも歩いてすぐ着ける。後ろを振り返れば町の 割以上を占める山林が広がる。「日本で最も美しい村」連合に加盟したのは2013年。町中に残る風情あふれる「なまこ壁」の建造物、 いしぶ山の斜面に段々に広がる「石部の棚田」、国内の約 割のシェアを誇る「塩漬けの桜葉」、この3つが地域資源として登録されている。
"Matsuzaki Town" is a scenic town, located along the coast of southwestern area of Izu Peninsula in Shizuoka Prefecture. The beach spreads out ahead and the fishing is enjoyable at a fishing port. They became a member of "The Most Beautiful Villages in Japan" union in 2013. The quaint buildings of "Namako Walls" which remain all over the town, "Terraced Rice Fields in Ishibu" which spread in tiers on the slopes of the mountain, and "Shiozuke-no-sakuraba (salted cherry leaves)" which have 70% of the domestic market share, have been registered as regional resources.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.16 飯豊町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.16 "Iide-machi" / Tabloid newspaper / Published June 2016
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura & Akimi Goto English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
Iide-machi is located in the southwestern part of Yamagata Prefecture and surrounded by the border with Fukushima Prefecture and Niigata Prefecture. It is known as one of the foremost heavy snowfall area in the Northeast Region. They became a member of “The Most Beautiful Village in Japan” union in 2008. “Iide Mountain Range”, “Scattered Houses Village in the Paddy Field”, “Satoyama landscape and culture (undeveloped woodland near populated area) in Nakatsugawa District” has been registered as the regional resource. The scenery that the setting sun shines in the vast water-laden paddy field through the gaps in the clouds is exactly “Oriental Arcadia”. It is pictorial scenes breathtaking involuntarily.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.15 星野村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.15 "Hoshino Village" / Tabloid newspaper / Published March 2016
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Rika Tanaka Photograph:Rika Tanaka English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
Hoshino Village is located in the south area of Fukuoka Prefecture and the border with Oita prefecture, is a place where lush greenery landscape of agricultural mountain village still remains. They became a member of "The most beautiful village in Japan" Union in October 2009. "Masonry terraced rice fields" and "Hoshino Village’s brand 'Hoshino Green Tea'" has been registered as regional resources. The masonry of terraced rice fields that was elaborately made along the steep slopes is reminiscent of the huge mountain castle extend to the sky.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.14 上島町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.14 "Kamijima-cho" / Tabloid newspaper / Published December 2015
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Minori Watabe Photograph:EXAPIECO English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
瀬戸内海のほぼ中央に浮かぶ離島・愛媛県上島町。「日本で最も美しい村」連合には2009年に加盟。 桜の名勝「積善山」と瀬戸内海の島々が織りなす多島美、青いレモン、法王ヶ原の松林が地域資源に認定されている。11月、温暖な瀬戸内海の風はやさしく爽やかだ。道路脇の植え込みにはみかんやレモンの木が目立つ。柑橘系の香りをまとった風を切って、数台のロードバイクが通り過ぎていく。
Kamijima-cho is located in the northeast of Ehime Prefecture and almost in the center of The Seto Inland Sea. Historically, industries such as shipbuilding, marine transportation, and the salt making have brought the town wealth. In 2004, four towns and villages ―Yuge, Ikina, Iwagi, and Uoshima― merged to become Kamijima-cho. The local people of Kamijima-cho are tolerant of people and cultures coming from outside the island and are open-minded, probably because the town has traditionally been accepting foreign people and cultures as an important point of The Seto Inland Sea route.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.13 木曽町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.13 "Kiso-machi" / Tabloid newspaper / Published September 2015
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Nahoko Kobayashi(Mitsubachi-sha) Photograph:Yuki Maruhashi English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
Kiso-machi is a town with population of 12,000, which was born from the merger of 4 municipalities, Kisofukushima-machi, Hiyoshi-mura, Kaida-mura and Mitake- mura in 2005. Kaida-Kogen (plateau) in Kiso-machi joined to the Association of “The Most Beautiful Villages in Japan“ in 2006 that is the following year of the association's establishment. Since then, former Kaida-mura district has been playing a central role in the propagation of its values.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.12 喜界町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.12 "Tsurui-mura" / Tabloid newspaper / Published June 2015
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Michiko Uehara English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
奄美大島の上空にさしかかると、海の青さが違う。乗客の誰もが窓辺に張りつき、眼下に広がる景色を見つめる。飛行機の進行方向の左手には、紺碧の海に浮かぶ美しい喜界島が見える。琉球王朝と薩摩藩、アメリカという つの支配に揺れた歴史のなかで、島の人々はたくましく生きてきた。喜界島には素朴で豊かな島時間が流れる。情に厚く個性あふれる人がたくさんいる。はるばる来て良かった。ありのままの喜界島が一番いい。
Among the history which was at the mercy of domination of the Ryukyu Kingdom, the Satsuma domain and the United States, the island's people have lived strongly. Idyllic and affluent island time passes in Kikaijima. There are a lot of people with compassion and unique character.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.11 美瑛町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.11 "Biei Town" / Tabloid newspaper / Published March 2015
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Michiko Uehara Photograph:Toshiki Nakanishi English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
Naosaburo Kobayashi from Hyogo Prefecture settled in Asahi District in September 1894. It was the beginning of Biei Town’s history that he exploited pristine wilderness through many difficulties.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.10 南小国町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.20 "Akaigawa-mura" / Tabloid newspaper / Published December 2014
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Michiko Uehara English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
南小国町は阿蘇外輪山の北側で、大分県との県境にある人口約4300人の町。「日本で最も美しい村連合」には、2005年 月の設立当初から加盟している。全国的に有名な黒川温泉があるこの町は、かつては無名の温泉地。住民の誰もが「何もない」と思っていた。町の未来を変えたのは、都会の価値観に縛られない逆転の発想。そこに暮らす人々の生きる姿勢や美しい心から、美しいふるさとは育まれてゆく。
Minamioguni-machi, with a population of approx 4,300 is located on the north side of Mt.Aso somma and the border with Oita Prefecture. It has been a member of “The Association of The most beautiful villages in Japan” since its inception in October 2005. The town with the nationally- known Kurokawa Hot Spring was once an obscure hot spring district. Everybody in the town had been thinking “there is nothing special here”. What changed the future of the town was upside-down-thinking without rules of urban values. The beautiful hometown is nurtured by an attitude and beautiful minds of people living there.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.09 大鹿村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.09 "Ooshika Village" / Tabloid newspaper / Published September 2014
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Atsumi Nakazato Photograph:Kenta Sasaki English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
南アルプスの麓にあり、四方八方を急峻な山々が取り囲む。村の総面積の %が山林で、自然という存在の大きさが際立つ村だ。わずかな平地の中で、自然と隣り合わせに生きてきた村人たちの営みは、「この村で生きていく」という、まっすぐな気迫に満ちている。大鹿村の美しさは、この土地に深く根付いた「村人たちの心」にあった。
Ooshika Village is at the foot of Southern Alps of Japan, and is surrounded by steep mountains. 97% of the village is covered by mountains and forests. To be in Ooshika Village is to feel the grandness of nature directly.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.08 中川村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.08 "Nakagawa Village" / Tabloid newspaper / Published June 2014
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Atsumi Nakazato Photograph:Kenta Sasaki English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
長野県南部、日本有数の雄大な山々に囲まれた人口 ,100人ほどの村。名だたる観光資源もない清閑な山あいの村に、豊かな感性を持つ人たちが次々と移り住んでいる。ここに一体何があるというのだろう。なぜこの村を選ぶのか。村人の多くは、首をかしげる。自然や風景だけでない、目には見えない吸引力の源とは―中川村の美しさを探る、新たな旅のはじまり。
It’s a village with a population of over 5,000, which is surrounded by some of Japan’s finest mountains in the south of Nagano-Pref.More and more people of rich sensibility are moving to the village there are no famous tourism resources. What is the source of an invisible attraction not only landscape and nature? A new journey to explore the beauty of Nakagawa Village begins.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.07 飯舘村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.07 "Tsurui-mura" / Tabloid newspaper / Published April 2014
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Hideko Takahashi Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.05 東成瀬村
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.05 "Higashinaruse Village" / Tabloid newspaper / Published September 2013
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Yuu Fujita Photograph:Hiroyuki Tamura English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
Higashinaruse is a small village in the mountains located at the southeast end of Akita Prefecture and adjacent to Iwate Prefecture on the east side and to Miyagi Prefecture on the south side. The forested mountains and fields cover 93% of the total area of approximately 200 hectares. So, the most of the view from the school and the landscape from the inn is the mountain. In the village, the short autumn is almost gone and preparation for the winter will begin soon.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.04 上勝町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.04 "Kamikatsu-cho" / Tabloid newspaper / Published July 2013
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Yuuki Kakihara & Yuu Nakamura English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko日本列島を構成する主要4島のなかで、一番小さく浮かぶ四国。その小さな四国のなかで最も小さな町が、徳島県上勝町だ。それでも、今、その町は密やかに世界中から熱い視線を集めている。人は、その町の何に、誰に、惹き付けられるのか。それが知りたくて、あの山の向こうまで。
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.03 智頭町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.03 "Chizu-cho" / Tabloid newspaper / Published March 2013
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writing:Yuuki Kakihara English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
山々に囲まれた緑のなかに暮らす智頭町の人たち。「智頭はいいよ」と、口々に、町民みんながにっこりとして胸をはる。 町づくりには、「百人委員会」が設けられ町民たちが意見を出し合う。山間を抜ける風に乗って聞こえてくるのは、賑やかな笑い声と、楽しげな新しい計画。
It’s located in the eastern Hokkaido and about 40km by car from Kushiro Airport. There is Tsurui-mura between Lake Akan and the vast Kushiro Marsh. A pastoral scenery of dairy farming as the key industry spreads in a small village with about 2,500 population and the tancho cranes of special national treasure coexist with people as the village's name suggests. During the winter season, many tancho cranes lovers with a camera in hand come from home and overseas.
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.02 美瑛町
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.02 / Tabloid newspaper / Published December 2012
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO Interview & Writi
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.01 美しい村のご紹介
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.01 / Tabloid newspaper / Published June 2012
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO English Translation:Yuiko Hosoya, Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko
季刊 日本で最も美しい村 Vol.00 創刊準備号
the most beautiful villages in Japan Vol.00 / Tabloid newspaper / Published April 2012
Edit & Design:EXAPIECO English Translation:Chika Nakanishi Cover Cook:Reiko Myoko